Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Vatican Area

While preparing my documents to obtain the so-called "Permesso di soggiorno" (Permit to stay), I had to go to the Vatican Area. Wednesday is the traditional day for the Pope to meet and talk to the Pilgrims in the piazza. Today, 26 May, many people flocked to it. I could not join because I had to finish my task. Traffic in Rome is terrible these days as they themselves, Romans, comment. Especially so when it rains as it did 2 days ago... Some more fotos and a video.
By the way, coming out of the Biblicum this morning, I had the happy surprise of meeting Jun Operiano (TGB) on his way to the Gregorian. Nice to see him; he seemed happy to go to school unlike some people we know! Forza, Jun Ops, Vianney is waiting for you! Ciao!

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